Module 1.1 - A Turning Point Event for Environmental Science - Silent Spring
- Point of View
This video details an event that took place during the Cold War. Giving special attention to a specific figure, Rachel Carson. A writer and biologist who took matters into her own hands in a quiet fight for the environment. The video gives a neutral perspective on the writer, though the information given does paint her in a good light.
- Purpose
The objective of this video was to inform the audience about the writer Rachel Carson and her advocacy against DDT and warnings of its use. It shares with us (the audience) why DDT was created and used in such vast amounts. And why it was used for so long before anyone was fully aware of the dangers.
- Questions at Issue
During the cold war, in order to fight against diseases carried by insects such as Malaria and Typhus, DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) was used in high dosages as a solution. DDT, as we now know in the present day, is a very toxic chemical that can pose serious health risks to not only humans but the environment as well. The problem was that the general public wasn't aware of these risks and scientists were still trying to figure out what those risks were. All while still using DDT extensively because of how bad disease was spreading. Rachel wanted to make this known to the general public before it was too late but faced lots of backlash and difficulties in her mission.
- Information
DDT had been a dormant chemical for a long time before being brought into use during the cold war. There were many scientific discoveries being made at this time, DDT was thought to be one of the many miracles to come about.
- Interpretation and Inference
Rachel was a very brave person to come out with this information especially since the Cold War was the height of mass paranoia. She easily could have been blacklisted, imprisoned, or even killed for bringing up any controversial and unpatriotic news. She could have lost her whole career and made a social pariah, been even so faced the challenge in order to stand up for nature. In a way she was made to seem like an outcast, but in bringing up the points she made she brought question to the chemicals being used every day and consideration for the environment. And now today we are hyperaware of how we tamper with the environment when it comes to manmade creations.
- Concepts
At the time, any kind of easy fix such as chemicals were used often sometimes without much consideration of what that chemical really is or what it does. In a way the usual scientific method was quite flawed or misused. I feel like this attitude (At the time) has heavily influenced the generation that currently runs our world. With little consideration for the future and only focusing on what works in the present. It's a pattern of thinking that persists. And those who speak out against it, such as environmentalists are usually looked down upon until the truth is undeniable.
- Assumptions
This video brings up the assumptions made by the general public at the time. Having full faith in the government when it came to certain aspects of their lives. And they should be able to! But it was taken for granted how much the government and scientists really knew about certain things. Of course, many amazing discoveries were made, but it's always worth it to question discoveries.
- Consequences
It was inferred that there were some very detrimental effects to the environment and to the people exposed to DDT. Knowing what I know about the chemical, it had some very serious long-term effects on the human body. And it completely changed the way we view chemicals and pesticides before using them with reckless abandon. Now if you even think about using some untested non peer reviewed chemical on nature you could end up spending the rest of your life in prison. And many people are very skeptical of the products they use in their everyday life. More of a personal thought than anything, I think this event set off the "Naturalistic" lifestyle of the later 70's to the present day.
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