Activity 2.2.1 My Daily Water USe

 June: 400 gal

July: 720 gal

Aug: 1,210 gal

(400 + 720 + 1,210) = 2,330 gal/month

(2,330/1 person) = 2,330 gal/month/person

(2,330/30) = 25.88 gal/day/person

San Antonio Utilities water bill: 

25.88 gallons/day/person

Home Waterworks:

71.90 gal per day/per person

Water Calculator | Home Water Works (

Water Use Calculator:

72 gal per day/per person

Water Use Calculator: Find Out Your Water Footprint (

For the month of June, my total water usage on my utility bill was 400 gallons. In July it was 720 gallons. In August, 1,210 gallons. My data may be strange, that is because I recently moved into an apartment so my water usage in June is fairly low. June and July have the oddest numbers because I moved in at the end of June and the beginning of July. So, August would be the most reflective number of gallons I use per month. I live alone, and I generally don't use up a lot of utilities, so it's not surprising to see that my footprint is on the lower end of the spectrum. Using the water calculators was a bit of a challenge because I don't know exactly what appliances I have and how efficient they are as they were provided by my complex. Even if my water usage isn't too bad, I still want to find way to reduce my footprint. I like to use my dishwasher because I feel I use up more water washing dishes by hand. And I tend to take short showers, I don't often take baths, but I did use the bath a bit when I first moved in because I had not yet bought curtains. I will admit though, when I still lived with my family, I'm sure we used up quite an amount of water. Many members of my family liked to take long showers, there was always a lot of dishes so that was even more water wasted. As well as the washing machine being used practically every day. So, my water usage living alone is a big contrast to how much water was being used in my previous household.


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